Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The new model is now ready for some code! Open Note.swift and add a property
to match the new attribute:
@NSManaged var image: UIImage ?
Build and run, and you'll see your notes have disappeared! In the Xcode console,
you'll see some error text related to the CoreDataStack object:
store :'nil
The store file is still around ( storeURL in the log above), but since it's incompatible
with the new v2 model, Core Data couldn't attach it to the persistent store, so
store is still nil .
Core Data can automatically update your store if all you've done is add a new
property like this. These are called lightweight migrations .
Enabling lightweight migrations
To enable lightweight migrations, you need to set two flags on initialization. The
stack in this app lives in an object imaginatively titled CoreDataStack , which you'll
modify to do this.
Open CoreDataStack.swift and add a property to the class:
var options: NSDictionary ?
Right now, you're setting up the persistent store with no options for default
behavior. You'll use the options dictionary to set the necessary flags.
Next, update the initializer to match the following:
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