Database Reference
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Great! You've surreptitiously marked every bubble tea venue in New York City as
your favorite. :]
Note: Since you're sidestepping your NSManagedObjectContext , you won't get
any validation if you use a batch update request. Make sure you're sanitizing
and validating your data properly before using this new feature!
Where to go from here?
Whew! If you followed the chapter all the way through, then you've spent a lot of
time fetching from your Core Data persistent store. I hope these examples gave
you insight into how powerful and flexible fetching is in Core Data.
Among other things, you learned how to store fetch requests in your data model
and how to refine your fetched results using predicates and sort descriptors. In
addition, you got to experience firsthand Apple's exciting new developments in Core
Data in iOS 8: asynchronous fetching and batch updates.
There is much more to learn about fetching! In the next chapter, you'll work with
NSFetchedResultsController , a helpful class that makes using table views a breeze.
If you're thirsty and need a break before continuing - perhaps you now feel like a
nice refreshing bubble tea?
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