Database Reference
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executed so far has blocked the main thread while you waited for your results to
come back.
When you block the main thread, it makes the screen unresponsive to incoming
touches and creates a slew of other problems. You haven't felt this blocking of the
main thread because you've made simple fetch requests that only fetch a few
objects at a time.
Since the beginning of Core Data, the framework has given developers several
techniques to perform fetches in the background. New in iOS 8, Core Data now has
an API for performing long-running fetch requests in the background and getting a
completion callback when the fetch is completed.
Let's see this new API in action. Go back to ViewController.swift and add the
following property:
var asyncFetchRequest: NSAsynchronousFetchRequest !
There you have it. The new class responsible for this asynchronous magic is aptly
called NSAsynchronousFetchRequest . Don't be fooled by its name, though. It isn't
directly related to NSFetchRequest ; it's actually a subclass of
NSPersistentStoreRequest .
Go to viewDidLoad() and re-implement it as shown below:
override func viewDidLoad() {
super . viewDidLoad ()
fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest (entityName: "Venue" )
asyncFetchRequest =
NSAsynchronousFetchRequest (fetchRequest: fetchRequest )
{ [unowned self ] (result: NSAsynchronousFetchResult ! )
-> Void in
self . venues = result. finalResult as [ Venue ]
self . tableView . reloadData ()
var error: NSError ?
let results =
coreDataStack . context . executeRequest ( asyncFetchRequest ,
error: &error)
if let persistentStoreResults = results {
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