Java Reference
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c. The rocket ship and flames now appear sideways (i.e., horizontal),
because exchanging the x and y coordinates of all of the points
reflects the drawing across the line x = y .
d. The rocket ship and flames are framed by a yellow diamond;
because the yellow polygon is drawn first, everything else is visible
on top of it.
e. Almost all of the picture is hidden by the yellow polygon; because
the yellow polygon is drawn last, it hides the other components of
the drawing that fall within its coordinates.
8.8 Mouse Events
SR 8.28
A mouse event is an event generated when the user manipulates the
mouse in various ways. There are several types of mouse events that
may be of interest in a particular situation, including the mouse being
moved, a mouse button being pressed, the mouse entering a particular
component, and the mouse being dragged.
SR 8.29
The sequence of events is mouse pressed, mouse released, and mouse
SR 8.30
The sequence of events is mouse pressed, mouse exited, and mouse
clicked. There are also a series of mouse motion events generated.
SR 8.31
The mouse event responded to in the Dots program is mouse pressed.
The mouse events responded to in the RubberLines program are mouse
pressed and mouse dragged.
SR 8.32
Some possible responses are: highlight a game square when a mouse
enters its space, if it represents a legal move; place an X (or an O) in a
game square if the user clicks on it at the appropriate time; allow the
user to drag an X (or an O) to a square.
8.9 Key Events
SR 8.33
A key event is generated when a keyboard key is pressed, which allows
a listening program to respond immediately to the user input. The object
representing the event holds a code that specifies which key was pressed.
SR 8.34
a. keyPressed
b. keyTyped, keyReleased
c. VK_UP
d. arrowLeft.gif
e. arrowRight.gif
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