Java Reference
In-Depth Information
c. translate - translateWord - beginsWithVowel-beginsWithBl
end - translateWord - beginsWithVowel - translateWord
- beginsWithVowel - beginsWithBlend - translateWord -
beginsWithVowel - beginsWithBlend
SR 7.21
Objects are passed to methods by copying the reference to the object
(its address). Therefore, the actual and formal parameters of a method
become aliases of each other.
7.8 Method Overloading
SR 7.22
Overloaded methods are distinguished by having a unique signature,
which includes the number, order, and type of the parameters. The
return type is not part of the signature.
SR 7.23
a. They are distinct.
b. They are not distinct. The return type of a method is not part of
its signature.
c. They are not distinct. The names of a method's parameters are not
part of its signature.
d. They are distinct.
SR 7.24
// Sets up the new Num object, storing a default value
// of 0.
public Num ()
value = 0;
7.9 Testing
SR 7.25
The word that best matches is
a. regression b. review c. walkthrough d. defects
e. test case f. test suite g. black-box h. white-box
7.10 GUI Design
SR 7.26 The general guidelines for GUI design include: know the needs and
characteristics of the user, prevent user errors when possible, opti-
mize user abilities by providing shortcuts and other redundant means
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