Java Reference
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SR 6.16
final int NUMROLLS = 100;
int sum = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i <= NUMROLLS; i++)
sum += die.roll();
System.out.println(( double )sum/NUMROLLS);
Chapter 7 Object-Oriented Design
7.1 Software Development Activities
SR 7.1
The four basic activities in software development are requirements
analysis (deciding what the program should do), design (deciding how
to do it), implementation (writing the solution in source code), and test-
ing (validating the implementation).
SR 7.2
Typically the client provides an initial set of requirements or a descrip-
tion of a problem they would like to have solved. It is the responsibil-
ity of the software developer to work with the client to make sure the
requirements or problem statement is correct and unambiguous.
SR 7.3
Software development is a problem-solving activity. Therefore, it is not
surprising that the four basic development activities presented in this
section are essentially the same as the five general problem-solving steps
presented in Section 1.6. “Establishing the requirements” directly cor-
responds to “understanding the problem.” “Designing a solution” and
“considering alternative designs” taken together correspond to “creating
a design”--in the case of software, the design is the solution. Finally, in
both approaches we include “implementation” and “testing” stages.
7.2 Identifying Classes and Objects
SR 7.4
Identifying the nouns in a problem specification can help you identify
potential classes to use when developing an object-oriented solution to
a problem. The nouns in the specification often correspond to objects
that should be represented in the solution.
SR 7.5
It is not crucial to identify and define all the methods that a class will
contain during the early stages of problem solution design. It is often
sufficient to just identify those methods that provide the primary
responsibilities of the class. Additional methods can be added to a class
as needed, when you evolve and add detail to your design.
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