Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 6 More Conditionals and Loops
6.1 The switch Statement
SR 6.1
When a Java program is running, if the expression evaluated for a
switch statement does not match any of the case values associated
with the statement, execution continues with the default case. If no
default case exists, processing continues with the statement following
the switch statement.
SR 6.2
If a case does not end with a break statement, processing continues into
the statements of the next case. We usually want to use break state-
ments in order to jump to the end of the switch .
SR 6.3
If the user enters 72, the output is: That grade is average . If the user
enters 46, the output is: That grade is not passing . If the user enters
123, the output is: That grade is not passing .
SR 6.4
An equivalent switch statement is:
switch (num1)
case 5:
myChar = ' W ' ;
break ;
case 6:
myChar = 'X';
break ;
case 7:
myChar = ' Y ' ;
break ;
myChar = 'Z';
6.2 The Conditional Operator
SR 6.5
The conditional operator is a trinary operator that evaluates a condition
and produces one of two possible results. A conditional statement, such as
the if and switch statements, is a category of statements that allow condi-
tions to be evaluated and the appropriate statements executed as a result.
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