Java Reference
In-Depth Information
5.5 Iterators
SR 5.24
a. Scanner user = new Scanner (;
b . Scanner infoFileScan = new Scanner ( new
File( " info.dat " ));
c . Scanner infoStringScan = new Scanner (infoString);
SR 5.25 The following code prints out the average number of characters per
int numChars = 0;
int numLines = 0;
String holdLine;
// Read and process each line of the file
while (fileScan.hasNext())
holdLine = fileScan.nextLine();
numChars += holdLine.length();
System.out.println (( double )numChars/numLines);
5.6 The ArrayList Class
SR 5.26
An ArrayList stores and manages multiple objects at one time. It allows
you to access the objects by a numeric index and keeps the indexes of
its objects continuous as they are added and removed. An ArrayList
dynamically increases its capacity as needed.
SR 5.27
An ArrayList generally holds references to the Object class, which
means that it can hold any type of object at all (this is discussed
further in Chapter 8). A specific type of element can and should be
specified in the ArrayList declaration to restrict the type of objects
that can be added and eliminate the need to cast the type when
SR 5.28 ArrayList<Die> dice = new ArrayList<Die>() ;
SR 5.29 [Andy, Don, Betty]
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