Java Reference
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SR 5.11
Based on the given assumptions, the output would be:
a. red orange white yellow
b. black blue green
c. yellow green
SR 5.12 if (temperature <= 50)
System.out.println ( " It is cool. " );
System.out.println ( " Dress warmly. " );
if (temperature > 80)
System.out.println ( " It is warm. " );
System.out.println ( " Dress cooly. " );
System.out.println ("It is pleasant.");
System.out.println ("Dress pleasantly.");
5.3 Comparing Data
SR 5.13 Because they are stored internally as binary numbers, comparing float-
ing point values for exact equality will be true only if they are the same
bit-by-bit. It's better to use a reasonable tolerance value and consider
the difference between the two values.
SR 5.14 We compare strings for equality using the equals method of the String
class, which returns a boolean result. The compareTo method of the String
class can also be used to compare strings. It returns a positive, 0, or nega-
tive integer result depending on the relationship between the two strings.
SR 5.15 //------------------------------------------------------
// Returns true if this Die equals die, otherwise
// returns false.
public boolean equals(Die die)
return ( this .faceValue == die.faceValue);
SR 5.16 if (s1.compareTo(s2) < 0)
System.out.println (s1 + " \n " + s2);
System.out.println (s2 + " \n " + s1);
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