Java Reference
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text field— A graphical user interface compo-
nent that displays, or allows the user to enter, a
single line of data.
text file— A file that contains data formatted as
ASCII or Unicode characters.
this— A Java reserved word that is a reference
to the object executing the code making the
thread— An independent process executing
within a program. A Java program can have mul-
tiple threads running in a program at one time.
throw— A Java reserved word that is used to
start an exception propagation.
throws— A Java reserved word that specifies
that a method may throw a particular type of
timer— An object that generates an event at
regular intervals.
token— A portion of a string defined by a set
of delimiters.
tool tip— A short line of text that appears when
the mouse pointer is allowed to rest on top of a
particular component. Usually, tool tips are used
to inform the user of the component's purpose.
top-level domain— The last part of a network
domain name, such as edu or com.
transient— A Java reserved word that serves as
a modifier for variables. A transient variable
does not contribute to the object's persistent
state and therefore does not need to be saved.
See also serialize.
tree— A nonlinear data structure that forms a
hierarchy stemming from a single root node.
true— A Java reserved word that serves as one
of the two boolean literals ( true and false ).
truth table— A complete enumeration of all
permutations of values involved in a boolean
expression, as well as the computed result.
try— A Java reserved word that is used to define
the context in which certain exceptions will be
handled if they are thrown.
two-dimensional array— An array that uses
two indices to specify the location of an ele-
ment. The two dimensions are often thought
of as the rows and columns of a table. See also
multidimensional array.
two's complement— A technique for represent-
ing numeric binary data. Used by all Java inte-
ger primitive types ( byte , short , int , long ).
type— See data type.
UML— See Unified Modeling Language.
unary operator— An operator that uses only
one operand.
unchecked exception— A Java exception that
does not need to be caught or dealt with if the
programmer so chooses.
underflow— A problem that occurs when a
floating point value becomes too small for its
storage size, which can result in inaccurate
ar i thmetic processing. See also overflow.
Unicode— The international character set used
to define valid Java characters. Each character
is represented using a 16-bit unsigned numeric
Unified Modeling Language (UML)— A graphi-
cal notation for visualizing relationships among
classes and objects. Abbreviated UML. There
are many types of UML diagrams. See also class
uniform resource locator (URL)— A designa-
tion for a resource that scan be located through
a World Wide Web browser.
unit test— The process of testing an individual
software component. May require the creation
of stub modules to simulate other system
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