Java Reference
In-Depth Information
signed numeric value— A value that stores a
sign (positive or negative). All Java numeric
values are signed. A Java character is stored as
an unsigned value.
signature— The number, types, and order of the
parameters of a method. Overloaded methods
must each have a unique signature.
slider— A graphical user interface component
that allows the user to specify a numeric value
within a bounded range by moving a knob to
the appropriate place in the range.
software— (1) Programs and data. (2) The
intangible components of a computer system.
software component— See component.
Software Development Kit (SDK)— A collection
of software tools that assist in the development
of software. The Java Software Development Kit
is another name for the Java Development Kit.
software engineering— The discipline within
computer science that addresses the process of
developing high-quality software within practi-
cal constraints.
sorting— The process of putting a list of values
into a well-defined order. See also insertion sort,
selection sort.
split pane— A graphical user interface container
that displays two components, either side by
side or one on top of the other, separated by a
moveable divider bar.
stack— An abstract data type that manages
data in a last-in, first-out manner.
stack trace— The series of methods called to
reach a certain point in a program. The stack
trace can be analyzed when an exception is
thrown to assist the programmer in tracking
down the problem.
standard I/O stream— One of three common
I/O streams representing standard input (usu-
ally the keyboard), standard output (usually
the monitor screen), and standard error (also
usually the monitor). See also stream.
start angle— When defining an arc, the angle at
which the arc begins. See also arc angle.
state— The state of being of an object, defined
by the values of its data. See also behavior,
statement— See programming language state-
statement coverage— A strategy used in white-
box testing in which all statements in a pro-
gram are executed. See also condition coverage.
static— A Java reserved word that serves as a
modifier for methods and variables. A static
method is also called a class method and can be
referenced without an instance of the class. A
static variable is also called a class variable and
is common to all instances of the class.
static data structure— A data structure that
has a fixed size and cannot grow and shrink as
needed. See also dynamic data structure.
storage capacity— The total number of bytes
that can be stored in a particular memory
stream— A source of input or a destination for
strictfp— A Java reserved word that is used
to control certain aspects of floating point
string— See character string.
string concatenation— The process of attaching
the beginning of one character string to the end
of another, resulting in one longer string.
strongly typed language— A programming lan-
guage in which each variable is associated with
a particular data type for the duration of its
existence. Variables are not allowed to take on
values or be used in operations that are incon-
sistent with their type.
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