Java Reference
In-Depth Information
check box— A graphical user interface compo-
nent that allows the user to set a boolean con-
dition with a mouse click. A check box can be
used alone or independently among other check
boxes. See also radio button.
checked exception— A Java exception that must
be either caught or explicitly thrown to the call-
ing method. See also unchecked exception.
child class— See subclass.
class— (1) A Java reserved word used to define
a class. (2) The blueprint of an object—the
model that defines the variables and methods
an object will contain when instantiated.
class diagram— A diagram that shows the
relationships between classes, including inheri-
tance and use relationships. See also Unified
Modeling Language.
class hierarchy— A tree-like structure created
when classes are derived from other classes
through inheritance. See also interface hierarchy.
class library— A set of classes that define useful
services for a programmer. See also Application
Programming Interface.
class method— A method that can be invoked
using only the class name. An instantiated
object is not required as it is with instance
methods. Defined in a Java program by using
the static reserved word.
CLASSPATH— An operating system setting
that determines where the Java interpreter
searches for class files.
class variable— A variable that is shared among
all objects of a class. It can also be referenced
through the class name, without instantiating
any object of that class. Defined in a Java pro-
gram by using the static reserved word.
client-server model— A manner in which to
construct a software design based on objects
(clients) making use of the services provided by
other objects (servers).
coding guidelines— A series of conventions that
describe how programs should be constructed.
They make programs easier to read, exchange,
and integrate. Sometimes referred to as coding
standards, especially when they are enforced.
coding standard— See coding guidelines.
cohesion— The strength of the relationship
among the parts within a software component.
See also coupling.
collision— The process of two hash values pro-
ducing the same hash code. See also hash code,
color chooser— A graphical user interface com-
ponent, often displayed as a dialog box, that
allows the user to select or specify a color.
combo box— A graphical user interface compo-
nent that allows the user to select one of several
options. A combo box displays the most recent
selection. See also list.
command-line arguments— The values that fol-
low the program name on the command line.
Accessed within a Java program through the
String array parameter to the main method.
comment— A programming language construct
that allows a programmer to embed human-
readable annotations into the source code. See
also documentation.
compiler— A program that translates code from
one language to equivalent code in another lan-
guage. The Java compiler translates Java source
code into Java bytecode. See also interpreter.
compile-time error— Any error that occurs
during the compilation process, often indicat-
ing that a program does not conform to the
language syntax or that an operation was
attempted on an inappropriate data type. See
also logical error, run-time error, syntax error.
component— Any portion of a software system
that performs a specific task, transforming
input to output. See also GUI component.
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