Java Reference
In-Depth Information
abstract— A Java reserved word that serves as
a modifier for classes, interfaces, and methods.
An abstract class cannot be instantiated and
is used to specify bodiless abstract methods
that are given definitions by derived classes.
Interfaces are inherently abstract .
abstract class See abstract.
abstract data type (ADT)— A collection of data
and the operations that are defined on that
data. An abstract data type might be imple-
mented in a variety of ways, but the interface
operations are consistent.
abstract method— See abstract.
Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)— The
package in the Java API (java.awt) that con-
tains classes related to graphics and graphical
user interfaces. See also Swing.
abstraction— The concept of hiding details. If
the right details are hidden at the right times,
abstraction can significantly help control com-
plexity and focus attention on appropriate
access— The ability to reference a variable
or invoke a method from outside the class in
which it is declared. Controlled by the vis-
ibility modifier used to declare the variable or
method. Also called the level of encapsulation.
See also visibility modifier.
access modifier— See visibility modifier.
actual parameter— The value passed to a method
as a parameter. See also formal parameter.
adaptor class— See listener adaptor class.
address— (1) A numeric value that uniquely
identifies a particular memory location in a
computer's main memory. (2) A designation
that uniquely identifies a computer among all
others on a network.
ADT— See abstract data type.
aggregate object— An object that contains vari-
ables that are references to other objects. See
also has-a relationship.
aggregation— Something that is composed, at
least in part, of other things. See also aggregate
algorithm— A step-by-step process for solving
a problem. A program is based on one or more
alias— A reference to an object that is currently
also referred to by another reference. Each ref-
erence is an alias of the other.
analog— A representation that is in direct pro-
portion to the source of the information. See
also digital.
animation— A series of images or drawings
that give the appearance of movement when
displayed in order at a particular speed.
API— See Application Programming Interface.
applet— A Java program that is linked into an
HTML document, then retrieved and executed
using a Web browser, as opposed to a stand-
alone Java application.
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