Java Reference
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that determines whether or not a given String is present within
a sorted array (or, if you choose, an ArrayList ) by searching
successively smaller segments of the list.
Include a test driver that prompts the user for strings to be
searched. The user should enter one string per line, with an
empty line indicating the end of the series. After the sorted list
of strings has been entered, the program should prompt the
user for a search string. The program should then print a mes-
sage stating whether or not the search string was found in the
list, the total number of strings in the list, and the number of
comparisons made while looking for the search string.
PP 12.13 Write a program that prompts the user for a list of cities, where
each city has a name and x and y coordinates. After all cities
have been entered, the program should use a recursive algo-
rithm to print the length of all possible routes that start at the
first city entered, end at the last city entered, and visit every city
in the list. For each route, the program should print the name
of each city visited, followed by length of the route.
PP 12.14 A Sierpinski Triangle is a fractal formed by drawing a triangle,
and then using the midpoints of each side of triangle to form
another triangle. This inner triangle is then removed. The result
is three smaller triangles (one at the top and one in each corner)
on which the process is repeated. After iteration N , the image
will contain 3 N triangles, each of which is similar to the origi-
nal triangle.
Write a program that implements a recursive algorithm for
drawing a Sierpinski Triangle. The user interface for the pro-
gram should include a JSlider that allows the user to select a
value for N . The slider should allow the user to pick a value
for N between 0 and the maximum value of N possible based
on the size of the program window. The maximum slider value
should change as appropriate when the window is resized.
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