Java Reference
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Summary of Key Concepts
Recursion is a programming technique in which a method calls itself. A
key to being able to program recursively is to be able to think recursively.
Any recursive definition must have a non-recursive part, called the base
case, which permits the recursion to eventually end.
Mathematical problems and formulas are often expressed recursively.
Each recursive call to a method creates new local variables and
A careful trace of recursive processing can provide insight into the way it
is used to solve a problem.
Recursion is the most elegant and appropriate way to solve some
problems, but for others it is less intuitive than an iterative solution.
The Towers of Hanoi solution has exponential complexity, which is very
inefficient. Yet the implementation of the solution is incredibly short and
A fractal is a geometric shape that is defined naturally in a recursive manner.
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EX 12.1 Write a recursive definition of a valid Java identifier (see
Chapter 1).
EX 12.2 Write a recursive definition of x y ( x raised to the power y ),
where x and y are integers and y > 0.
EX 12.3 Write a recursive definition of i * j (integer multiplication),
where i > 0. Define the multiplication process in terms of integer
addition. For example, 4 * 7 is equal to 7 added to itself 4 times.
EX 12.4 Write a recursive definition of the Fibonacci numbers. The
Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of integers, each of which is
the sum of the previous two numbers. The first two numbers in
the sequence are 0 and 1. Explain why you would not normally
use recursion to solve this problem.
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