Java Reference
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EX 11.1 Create a UML class diagram for the ProductCodes program.
EX 11.2 What would happen if the try statement were removed from the
level1 method of the ExceptionScope class in the Propagation
EX 11.3 What would happen if the try statement described in the previ-
ous exercise were moved to the level2 method?
EX 11.4 Look up the following exception classes in the online Java API
documentation and describe their purpose:
a. ArithmeticException
b. NullPointerException
c. NumberFormatException
d. PatternSyntaxException
EX 11.5 Draw the containment hierarchy tree for the LightBulb program.
EX 11.6 Draw the containment hierarchy tree for the PickImage program.
EX 11.7 Draw the containment hierarchy tree for the JukeBox program.
EX 11.8 What effect would removing the call to setSelectionMode in the
ListPanel class have? Make the change to test your answer.
Programming Projects
Visit to complete many of these Programming
Projects online and get instant feedback.
PP 11.1 Design and implement a program that creates an exception class
called StringTooLongException , designed to be thrown when
a string is discovered that has too many characters in it. In the
main driver of the program, read strings from the user until the
user enters "DONE" . If a string is entered that has too many char-
acters (say 20), throw the exception. Allow the thrown exception
to terminate the program.
PP 11.2 Modify the solution to PP 11.1 such that it catches and handles
the exception if it is thrown. Handle the exception by printing an
appropriate message, and then continue processing more strings.
Developing a solution
of PP 11.1.
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