Java Reference
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// Author: Lewis/Loftus
// Represents the control panel for the LightBulb program.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class LightBulbControls extends JPanel
private LightBulbPanel bulb;
private JButton onButton, offButton;
// Sets up the lightbulb control panel.
public LightBulbControls (LightBulbPanel bulbPanel)
bulb = bulbPanel;
onButton = new JButton ("On");
onButton.setEnabled ( false );
onButton.setMnemonic ('n');
onButton.setToolTipText ("Turn it on!");
onButton.addActionListener ( new OnListener());
offButton = new JButton ("Off");
offButton.setEnabled ( true );
offButton.setMnemonic ('f');
offButton.setToolTipText ("Turn it off!");
offButton.addActionListener ( new OffListener());
setBackground (;
add (onButton);
add (offButton);
// Represents the listener for the On button.
private class OnListener implements ActionListener
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