Java Reference
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Summary of Key Concepts
A polymorphic reference can refer to different types of objects over time.
The binding of a method invocation to its definition is performed at run
time for a polymorphic reference.
A reference variable can refer to any object created from any class related
to it by inheritance.
The type of the object, not the type of the reference, is used to determine
which version of a method to invoke.
An interface name can be used to declare an object reference variable.
An interface reference can refer to any object of any class that implements
that interface.
A parameter to a method can be polymorphic, giving the method flexible
control of its arguments.
Implementing a sort algorithm polymorphically allows it to sort any
comparable set of objects.
Polymorphism allows us to apply a consistent approach to inconsistent
We should hone our design senses to identify situations that lend them-
selves to polymorphic solutions.
Establishing the relationship between a listener and the component it lis-
tens to is accomplished using polymorphism.
A file chooser allows the user to browse a disk and select a file to be
A color chooser allows the user to select a color from a palette or use RGB
A slider lets the user specify a numeric value within a bounded range.
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EX 10.1 Draw and annotate a class hierarchy that represents various
types of faculty at a university. Show what characteristics would
be represented in the various classes of the hierarchy. Explain
how polymorphism could play a role in the process of assigning
courses to each faculty member.
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