Java Reference
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Define polymorphism and explore its benefits.
Discuss the concept of dynamic binding.
Use inheritance relationships to create polymorphic references.
Use interfaces to create polymorphic references.
Explore sorting and searching using polymorphic implementations.
Discuss object-oriented design in the context of polymorphism.
Discuss the processing of events as an example of polymorphism.
Examine more GUI components.
T his chapter discusses polymorphism, another fundamental prin-
ciple of object-oriented software. We first explore the concept of
binding and discuss how it relates to polymorphism. Then we exam-
ine how polymorphic references can be accomplished using either
inheritance or interfaces. Design issues related to polymorphism are
examined. The Graphics Track of this chapter discusses how event
processing in a graphical user interface is an example of polymor-
phism. We also examine several new GUI components.
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