Java Reference
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// Author: Lewis/Loftus
// Represents an item of food. Used as the parent of a derived class
// to demonstrate indirect referencing.
public class FoodItem
final private int CALORIES_PER_GRAM = 9;
private int fatGrams;
protected int servings;
// Sets up this food item with the specified number of fat grams
// and number of servings.
public FoodItem ( int numFatGrams, int numServings)
fatGrams = numFatGrams;
servings = numServings;
// Computes and returns the number of calories in this food item
// due to fat.
private int calories()
return fatGrams * CALORIES_PER_GRAM;
// Computes and returns the number of fat calories per serving.
public int caloriesPerServing()
return (calories() / servings);
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