Java Reference
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PP 6.20 Design and implement a program that draws 20,000 points in
random locations within the visible area. Make the points on the
left half of the panel appear in red and the points on the right
half of the panel appear in green. Draw each point by drawing a
line with a length of only one pixel.
PP 6.21 Design and implement a program that draws 10 circles of ran-
dom radius in random locations. Fill in the largest circle in red.
PP 6.22 Design and implement an application that uses dialog boxes to
obtain two integer values (one dialog box for each value) and
display the sum and product of the values. Use another dialog
box to see whether the user wants to process another pair of
PP 6.23 Redesign and implement a version of the PalindromeTester
program so that it uses dialog boxes to obtain the input string,
display the results, and prompt to continue.
PP 6.24 Design and implement a class called Card that represents a stan-
dard playing card. Each card has a suit and a face value. Create
a program that deals five random cards.
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