Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Summary of Key Concepts
A switch statement matches a character or integer value to one of several
possible cases.
A break statement is usually used at the end of each case alternative of a
switch statement.
The conditional operator evaluates to one of two possible values based on
a boolean condition.
A do statement executes its loop body at least once.
A for statement is usually used when a loop will be executed a set number
of times.
The for-each version of a for loop simplifies the processing of all elements
in an Iterable object.
The loop statements are functionally equivalent. Which one you use should
depend on the situation.
A dialog box is a pop-up window that allows brief, specific user interac-
tion to provide information or verify an action.
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EX 6.1
What output is produced by the following code fragment?
for ( int num = 0; num <= 200; num += 2)
System.out.println (num);
EX 6.2
What output is produced by the following code fragment?
for ( int val = 200; val >= 0; val -= 1)
if (val % 4 != 0)
System.out.println (val);
EX 6.3
Transform the following while loop into an equivalent do loop
(make sure it produces the same output).
int num = 1;
while (num < 20)
System.out.println (num);
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