Java Reference
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An ArrayList object is an Iterable object. Therefore,
for example, if library is an ArrayList<Book> object (that
is, an ArrayList that manages Book objects), we can use
a for loop to process each Book object in the collection as
The for-each version of a for loop
simplifies the processing of all ele-
ments in an Iterable object.
for (Book myBook : library)
System.out.println (myBook);
This code can be read as follows: for each Book in library , print the topic
object . The variable myBook takes the value of each Book object in the collection in
turn, and the body of the loop can process it appropriately. That succinct for-each
loop is essentially equivalent to the following:
Book myBook;
while (bookList.hasNext())
myBook =;
System.out.println (myBook);
This version of the for loop can also be used on arrays, which are discussed in
Chapter 8. We use the for-each loop as appropriate in various situations through-
out the rest of the topic.
Comparing Loops
The three basic loop statements ( while , do , and for ) are functionally equivalent.
Any particular loop written using one type of loop can be written using either of
the other two loop types. Which type of loop we use depends on the situation.
As we mentioned earlier, the primary difference between a while loop and a do
loop is when the condition is evaluated. If we know we want to execute the loop
body at least once, a do loop is usually the better choice. The body of a while
loop, on the other hand, might not be executed at all if the condition is initially
false. Therefore, we say that the body of a while loop is executed zero or more
times, but the body of a do loop is executed one or more times.
A for loop is like a while loop in that the condition is
evaluated before the loop body is executed. We generally
use a for loop when the number of times we want to iterate
through a loop is fixed or can be easily calculated. In many
situations, it is simply more convenient to separate the code
that sets up and controls the loop iterations inside the for loop header from the
body of the loop.
The loop statements are function-
ally equivalent. Which one you use
should depend on the situation.
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