Java Reference
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More Conditionals
and Loops
Examine conditional processing using switch statements.
Discuss the conditional operator.
Examine alternative repetition statements: the do and for loops.
Draw graphics with the aid of conditionals and loops.
Explore the use of dialog boxes.
I n Chapter 5 we examined the if statement for making decisions
and the while statement for looping. This chapter explores several
additional statements in Java for performing similar tasks. In particu-
lar, in this chapter we'll explore the switch statement, which allows
us to choose among several paths of execution based on a specific
value. We'll also explore the do and for loops, which provide logical
processing and/or syntax that distinguish them from the while loop.
These alternative statements differ in key details, and any particular
situation may lend itself to the use of one over another. The Graphics
Track sections of this chapter explore the use of conditionals and
loops to control our graphics and examine the purpose and use of
dialog boxes.
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