Java Reference
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italic = new JCheckBox ("Italic");
italic.setBackground (Color.cyan);
StyleListener listener = new StyleListener();
bold.addItemListener (listener);
italic.addItemListener (listener);
add (saying);
add (bold);
add (italic);
setBackground (Color.cyan);
setPreferredSize ( new Dimension(300, 100));
// Represents the listener for both check boxes.
private class StyleListener implements ItemListener
// Updates the style of the label font style.
public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent event)
int style = Font.PLAIN;
if (bold.isSelected())
style = Font.BOLD;
if (italic.isSelected())
style += Font.ITALIC;
saying.setFont ( new Font ("Helvetica", style, 36));
This program also uses the Font class, which represents a particular character
font . A Font object is defined by the font name, the font style, and the font size.
The font name establishes the general visual characteristics of the characters. We
are using the Helvetica font in this program. The style of a Java font can be plain,
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