Java Reference
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public class CoinFlip
// Creates a Coin object, flips it, and prints the results.
public static void main (String[] args)
Coin myCoin = new Coin();
System.out.println (myCoin);
if (myCoin.isHeads())
System.out.println ("You win.");
System.out.println ("Better luck next time.");
Better luck next time.
The Coin class is shown in Listing 5.4. It stores two integer constants ( HEADS
and TAILS ) that represent the two possible states of the coin, and an instance vari-
able called face that represents the current state of the coin. The Coin construc-
tor initially flips the coin by calling the flip method, which determines the new
state of the coin by randomly choosing a number (either 0 or 1). The isHeads
method returns a boolean value based on the current face value of the coin. The
toString method uses an if-else statement to determine which character string
to return to describe the coin. The toString method is automatically called when
the myCoin object is passed to println in the main method.
Using Block Statements
We may want to do more than one thing as the result of evaluating a boolean
condition. In Java, we can replace any single statement with a block statement.
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