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System.out.print ("Enter your age: ");
int age = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println ("You entered: " + age);
if (age < MINOR)
System.out.println ("Youth is a wonderful thing. Enjoy.");
System.out.println ("Age is a state of mind.");
Enter your age: 40
You entered: 40
Age is a state of mind.
Let's look at a few more examples of basic if statements. The following if
statement causes the variable size to be set to zero if its current value is greater
than or equal to the value in the constant MAX :
if (size >= MAX)
size = 0;
The condition of the following if statement first adds three values together,
then compares the result to the value stored in numBooks :
if (numBooks < stackCount + inventoryCount + duplicateCount)
reorder = true ;
If numBooks is less than the other three values combined, the boolean variable
reorder is set to true . The addition operations are performed before the less
than operator, because the arithmetic operators have a higher precedence than
the relational operators.
Assuming generator refers to an object of the Random class, the following if
statement examines the value returned from a call to nextInt to determine a
random winner:
if (generator.nextInt(CHANCE) == 0)
System.out.println ("You are a randomly selected winner!");
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