Java Reference
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// Author: Lewis/Loftus
// Demonstrates the use of text fields.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class FahrenheitPanel extends JPanel
private JLabel inputLabel, outputLabel, resultLabel;
private JTextField fahrenheit;
// Constructor: Sets up the main GUI components.
public FahrenheitPanel()
inputLabel = new JLabel ("Enter Fahrenheit temperature:");
outputLabel = new JLabel ("Temperature in Celsius: ");
resultLabel = new JLabel ("---");
fahrenheit = new JTextField (5);
fahrenheit.addActionListener ( new TempListener());
add (inputLabel);
add (fahrenheit);
add (outputLabel);
add (resultLabel);
setPreferredSize ( new Dimension(300, 75));
setBackground (Color.yellow);
// Represents an action listener for the temperature input field.
private class TempListener implements ActionListener
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