Java Reference
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The Account class, shown in Listing 4.4, represents a basic bank account. It
contains instance data representing the account number, the account's current
balance, and the name of the account's owner. Note that instance data can be an
object reference variable (not just a primitive type), such as the account owner's
name, which is a reference to a String object. The interest rate for the account is
stored as a constant.
The constructor of the Account class accepts three parameters that are used to
initialize the instance data. The deposit and withdraw methods perform the basic
Discussion of the
Account class.
// Author: Lewis/Loftus
// Represents a bank account with basic services such as deposit
// and withdraw.
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class Account
private final double RATE = 0.035; // interest rate of 3.5%
private long acctNumber;
private double balance;
private String name;
// Sets up the account by defining its owner, account number,
// and initial balance.
public Account (String owner, long account, double initial)
name = owner;
acctNumber = account;
balance = initial;
// Deposits the specified amount into the account. Returns the
// new balance.
public double deposit ( double amount)
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