Java Reference
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// Author: Lewis/Loftus
// Demonstrates basic drawing methods and the use of color.
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import java.awt.*;
public class Snowman extends JApplet
// Draws a snowman.
public void paint (Graphics page)
final int MID = 150;
final int TOP = 50;
setBackground (Color.cyan);
page.setColor (;
page.fillRect (0, 175, 300, 50); // ground
page.setColor (Color.yellow);
page.fillOval (-40, -40, 80, 80); // sun
page.setColor (Color.white);
page.fillOval (MID-20, TOP, 40, 40); // head
page.fillOval (MID-35, TOP+35, 70, 50); // upper torso
page.fillOval (MID-50, TOP+80, 100, 60); // lower torso
page.setColor (;
page.fillOval (MID-10, TOP+10, 5, 5); // left eye
page.fillOval (MID+5, TOP+10, 5, 5); // right eye
page.drawArc (MID-10, TOP+20, 20, 10, 190, 160); // smile
page.drawLine (MID-25, TOP+60, MID-50, TOP+40); // left arm
page.drawLine (MID+25, TOP+60, MID+55, TOP+60); // right arm
page.drawLine (MID-20, TOP+5, MID+20, TOP+5); // brim of hat
page.fillRect (MID-15, TOP-20, 30, 25); // top of hat
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