Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix A. Rapid Development Using
JBoss Forge
In the appendix of this topic, we will give you an overview of JBoss Forge, which is
a powerful, rapid application development (aimed at Java EE 6) and project compre-
hension tool. With Forge, you can start a new project from scratch and generate the
skeleton for your application just with a few commands. However, it can also be used
for incremental enhancements for your existing projects using extra plugins.
Installing Forge
In order to install Forge, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Download and unzip Forge from into a folder on your
hard disk; this folder will be your FORGE_HOME .
2. Add FORGE_HOME/bin to your path (Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX).
In Unix-based operating systems, this typically means editing your ~/.bashrc or
~/.profile ; you will need to enter the following code snippet:
export FORGE_HOME=~/forge/
In Windows systems, you will need to open the Control Panel window, then click on
System Properties | Advanced | Environment Variables , and add these two entries
visually. It is recommended to set user variables for Forge, unless you have placed
the unzipped distribution in a folder where all users can access it.
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