Java Reference
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<socket interface="management"
port="${}" />
The final step is to configure the server nodes inside the host.xml file on both
hosts. So, on the first host, we will configure server-one and server-two to be-
long to main-server-group :
<server name="server-one"
<server name="server-two"
group="main-server-group" auto-start="false">
<socket-bindings port-offset="150"/>
And on the second host, we will configure server-three and server-four to
belong to other-server-group :
<server name="server-three"
<server name="server-four"
group="other-server-group"> auto-start="false">
<socket-bindings port-offset="150"/>
Please note that the auto-start flag indicates that the server instances will not be
started automatically if the host controller is started.
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