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Consuming our REST service
Connecting to a RESTful web service takes no more work than directly connecting to
the service through an HTTP connection. For this reason, you can use plenty of APIs
to access your REST services, such as the JDK URLConnection class or Jakarta
Commons HttpClient API. However, since we are already using RESTEasy in our
project, we suggest using its great client API that helps you to easily consume REST
web services in the way JAX-RS is consumed.
A simpler way to create an individual HTTP request is using the
org.jboss.resteasy.client.ClientRequest class. Therefore, if you want to
retrieve the list of Seats from your REST service, you just need to issue the follow-
ing ClientRequest class:
ClientRequest cr = new
String result =
The previous code will simply perform a GET action to the REST service that is
deployed as part of the ticket-agency-ws web application. Once that Clien-
tRequest class is returned, we cast the result as a string, which in our case will be
a list of JSON-formatted Seat objects.
Here's a quick recap of what the ClientRequest class is made up of:
As you can see, besides the Web Context string, you need to include the JAX-RS
application path ( rest ) we discussed earlier. Next, you need to include the @Path
annotation of your TicketRESTService (the seat) and eventually the ID of the seat
booking if you are trying to book a seat.
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