Java Reference
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back into XML instance documents. JAXB also provides a way to generate XML
schema from Java objects.
Then, the outbound message is processed by handlers before returning it to the dis-
patcher and endpoint listener that will transmit the message as an HTTP response.
The following diagram describes how data flows from a web service client to a web
service endpoint and back:
Coding SOAP web services with JBoss AS 7
In the first deliverable, we will show how easily you can turn a plain Java class into
a web service. The newly created Service will be then tested using a simple Eclipse-
based testing GUI. The second part of this section will draw your attention to how
EJBs can be exposed as web service endpoints by enhancing your Ticket applica-
tion with a web service.
Developing a POJO web service
We will start developing web services, using a Maven project named ticket-
agency-ws as a template based on the webapp-javaee6 archetype and
com.packtpub.as7development.chapter8 base package.
Our first class will not be related to our Ticket application, but it will just demonstrate
how to create a web service from a POJO class named POJOWebService . This
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