Java Reference
In-Depth Information
A message consumer is an object created by a session and is used for receiving
messages sent to a destination. A message consumer allows a JMS client to register
interest in a destination with a JMS provider. The JMS provider manages the delivery
of messages from a destination to the registered consumers of the destination. The
PTP form of message consumer implements the QueueReceiver interface. The
pub/sub form implements the TopicSubscriber interface.
The JBoss messaging subsystem
JBoss AS has used different JMS implementations across its releases. Since JBoss
AS 6.0, the default JMS provider is HornetQ ( ), which
provides a multiprotocol, embeddable, very high performance and clusterable mes-
saging system.
At its core, HornetQ is designed simply as a set of Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs)
, with few dependencies on external JAR files. In fact, the only one JAR dependency
is the Netty library, which leverages the Java New Input-Output ( NIO ) API for build-
ing high-performance network applications.
Because of its easily-adaptable architecture, HornetQ can be embedded in your own
project, or instantiated in any dependency injection framework such as JBoss Micro-
container, Spring, or Google Guice.
In this topic, we will cover a scenario where HornetQ is integrated into JBoss AS
subsystem as a module, as shown in the following diagram. This diagram depicts
how the JCA Adaptor and the HornetQ server fit in the overall picture:
Creating and using connection factories
It is the job of the connection factory, which encapsulates the connection's paramet-
ers to create new JMS connections. A connection factory is bound in the Java Nam-
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