Java Reference
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Note that the @Before annotation is invoked before each test method and
after injections have occurred. In our case, it is used to associate conversa-
tionContext with MutableBoundRequest before being activated by con-
versationContext.activate . This is needed to mimic the conversation be-
havior from within the Arquillian test bed.
Just for completeness, you must be aware that BoundRequest interfaces are
defined into the weld API to hold a conversation that spans multiple requests,
but are shorter than a session.
So here's the full TicketTest class that also contains the Theatre creation and a
booking seat reservation in the testTicketAgency method:
public class TicketTest {
@Inject BoundConversationContext
public void init() {
new MutableBoundRequest(new
HashMap<String, Object>(),
new HashMap<String, Object>()));
public static Archive<?> createTestArchive() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class,
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