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Running Arquillian TicketTest
In order to score our first goal, it's highly recommended that we perform a project
clean/recompilation in order to remove all the artifacts that were part of the earlier
ticket-agency-jpa project (if any). Therefore, issue the following Maven goal
either from your Eclipse IDE or from the command line located at the root of your
mvn clean install
Next, we need to choose whether we want to use the remote Arquillian profile
(that will be run against an existing JBoss AS 7 instance) or whether we want to
start a new JBoss AS 7 instance with the managed profile. My guess is that you
already have a JBoss application server running, so navigate to the project proper-
ties and select the Maven property. In the Active Maven Profiles field, enter arq-
jbossas-remote , which we declared earlier in the pom.xml file:
Now all you have to do is right-click on your TicketTest class and select Run As
JUnit Test . The Arquillian engine will start, producing the outcome of the test in the
JUnit view (you can make it appear by navigating to Menu | Window | Show View |
JUnit ):
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