Java Reference
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Why has this component been coded as an EJB instead of a CDI Bean?
One of the main advantages of using EJBs is that they are inherently transac-
tional components . If we were to use CDI Beans, we would have to manually
demarcate the transaction begin() and commit() (or rollback() ) in every
single method.
This service is made up of four methods. The first is the createSeatType method,
which will be used in the first application screen to add a new SeatType object to
our theatre. The next method, createTheatre , will be invoked once we are done
with setting up our theatre; so we create the list of seats that will be available for
booking in the next screen.
Next in the list is the bookSeat method that, as you might have guessed, will be
used to book a seat. Finally, the doCleanUp is actually used to perform some clean
up if you want to restart the application.
The last piece of our puzzle is the BookerService class, which adds a tiny session
layer to your application.
public class BookerService implements
Serializable {
private Logger logger;
@Inject TicketService ticketService;
int money;
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