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Creating the Maven project
We're now on the home stretch. The ultimate prize for us is to be able to create a Java
EE 6 application using Maven and the Eclipse IDE.
In this example, we will again be using the webapp-javaee6 archetype to keep a
line of continuity with our earlier chapter; nevertheless, you are encouraged to explore
some specific JBoss archetypes, such as jboss-javaee6-webapp-archetype ,
that will create a more articulate project structure including some sample classes,
or the equivalent jboss-javaee6-webapp-ear-archetype archetype that pack-
ages your application in an enterprise archive.
For our purpose, let's start by creating a new Maven project based on the webapp-
javaee6 archetype, following the same steps exposed in Chapter 4 , Learning Con-
text Dependency Injection . The only difference is that we are now going to use the
archetype configuration shown in the following screenshot:
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