Java Reference
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if (seat.getPrice() > money) {
throw new NotEnoughMoneyException("You
don't have enough money to buy this ticket!");
}"Booking issued");
money = money -seat.getPrice();"Booking successful");
As you can see, this method does not return anything; we will need to use some oth-
er instruments to check if the transaction was completed successfully. For example,
we can check from the theatre list if the seat has been booked successfully.
Returning a Future object to the client
The other available option consists of returning a
java.util.concurrent.Future object that can later be inspected by our clients
so that they know the outcome of our transaction:
public Future<String> bookSeatAsync(int seatId)
Seat seat =
if (seat.isBooked()) {
return new AsyncResult<String>("Seat
"+seatId+" Already booked!");
if (seat.getPrice() > money) {
return new AsyncResult<String>("You don't
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