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Now that the cross product has been covered conceptually, let's look at how it is
Remembering how to calculate the cross product just from the preceding formula
is difficult. Luckily, there is a mnemonic to help us remember: “xyzzy.” The way
themnemonic worksisittells ustheorderofthesubscripts forthefirstcomponent
of the cross product:
If you can remember the base equation is c = a · b - a · b , “xyzzy” tells you which
subscript to use for each term. Once you have the first line, you can figure out c y
and c z by rotating the subscripts in the following manner: x → y → z → x . This
will then give you the next two lines of the cross product:
returns a vector where all three components are 0, this means that the two input
vectors are collinear , or they lie on the same line. Two collinear vectors cannot
form a plane, and because of that there is no normal for the cross product to return.
Because a triangle is guaranteed to always be on a single plane, we can use the
cross product to determine the vector that's perpendicular to the triangle. This per-
pendicularvectorisknownasthe normal ofthetriangle. Figure3.9 showstriangle
ABC. In order to calculate the normal, we first must construct vectors from A to B
and from A to C. Then if we take the cross product between these two vectors, in a
right-handed coordinate system we would get a vector going into the page, which
corresponds to the direction of the normal.
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