Game Development Reference
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function AnimatedSprite .ChangeAnim( int num )
animNum = num
// The active animation is now at frame 0 and
0.0f time
frameNum = 0
animTime = 0.0f
// Set active image, which is just the starting
int imageNum = animData.frameInfo [ anim-
Num ]. startFrame
image = animData.images [ imageNum ]
The UpdateAnim function is where most of the heavy lifting of AnimatedS-
prite occurs. Much of its complexity stems from the fact that we can't assume
that the animation frame rate is slower than the game frame rate. For example, a
game could be running at 30 FPS but we may want to play a 24 FPS animation
at 2× speed (or 48 FPS). This means that UpdateAnim will quite often need to
skip ahead multiple frames in the animation. To take this into account, once a par-
ticular frame has been displayed longer than the animation frame time, we need to
calculate how many frames to jump ahead. This also means that when a looping
animation wraps around, we can't just reset it to frame 0. It might be that the an-
imation is playing so quickly that we need to reset to frame 1 or 2.
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function AnimatedSprite .UpdateAnim( float deltaTime )
// Update how long the current frame has been
frameTime += deltaTime
// This check determines if it's time to change
to the next frame.
if frameTime > (1 / animFPS )
// The number of frames to increment is the
integral result of
// frameTime / (1 / animFPS), which is
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