Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
7 . An instantaneous collision detection algorithm only checks if the two ob-
jects are actively colliding on the current frame, whereas a CCD algorithm
will also find collisions between frames.
8 . For swept sphere, if the discriminant is negative, it means the two spheres
do not collide. If it's equal to zero, it means there is a t such that the two
spheres tangentially intersect. Finally, if it's positive, it means the two
spheres fully intersect, and the smaller solution to the quadratic is the first
point of intersection.
9 . The accuracy of numeric integration methods ties directly to the size of
the time step. If the time step is variable, the numeric integration methods
will be volatile.
10 . Velocity Verlet integration first computes the velocity at the midpoint of
the time step, using the acceleration from last frame. This velocity is then
applied to the integration of the position over the full time step. Then the
acceleration is updated for the current frame, and this acceleration is ap-
plied to the computation of the velocity from the midpoint to the end of
the time step.
Chapter 8: Cameras
1 . Field of view is the angle that represents what is visible in the game
world. A narrow field of view can be a source of motion sickness, espe-
cially in PC games.
2 . The position of the basic follow camera can be computed using the fol-
lowing equation:
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eye = target.position - target.forward * hDist +
target.up * vDist
Once the eye position is computed, the camera forward vector is simply
the vector from the eye to the target, which is as follows:
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forward = eye - target.position
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