Game Development Reference
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float t
// speed is how much t changes per second
float speed
// Actual camera matrix
Matrix cameraMatrix
// Calculates the camera matrix given current
index and t
function ComputeMatrix()
// Eye position is the spline at the current
Vector3 eye = path .Compute(index, t)
// Get point a little bit further ahead to
get the target point
Vector3 target = path.Compute( index , t +
// For y-up world
Vector3 up = Vector3 (0, 1, 0)
cameraMatrix = CreateLookAt( eye , target , up )
function Initialize( float mySpeed )
// The initial index should be 1 (because 0
is P0 initially)
index = 1
t = 0.0f
speed = mySpeed
function Update( float deltaTime )
t += speed * deltaTime
// If t > = 1.0f, we should move to the next
control point
// This code assumes that the speed won't be
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