Game Development Reference
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Vector3 target = eye + targetOffset
// For y-up world
Vector3 up = Vector3 (0, 1, 0)
cameraMatrix = CreateLookAt( eye , target , up )
// Updates based on the incremental yaw/pitch
angles for this frame
function Update( float yaw , float pitch )
totalYaw += yaw
totalPitch += pitch
// Clamp the total pitch based on restric-
// In this case, 45 degrees (approx 0.78 rad)
totalPitch = Clamp( totalPitch , -0.78, 0.78)
// The target offset is before any rotations,
// actual is after rotations.
Vector3 actualOffset = targetOffset
// Rotate actual offset about y-up for yaw
Quaternion quatYaw = CreateFromAxisAngle(
Vector3 (0,1,0),
totalYaw )
actualOffset = Transform( actualOffset ,
quatYaw )
// Calculate left for pitch
// Forward after yaw just the actualOffset
Vector3 forward = actualOffset
forward .Normalize()
Vector3 left = CrossProduct( Vector3 (0, 1, 0),
forward )
left .Normalize()
// Rotate actual offset about left for pitch
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