Game Development Reference
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ing an orbit camera using spherical coordinates, but I find the approach presented
here a bit easier to follow.
Listing 8.2 Orbit Camera
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class OrbitCamera
// Up vector for camera
Vector3 up
// Offset from target
Vector3 offset
// Target object
GameObject target
// Final camera matrix
Matrix cameraMatrix
// Initializes the initial camera state
function Initialize( GameObject myTarget , Vector3
myOffset )
// In a y-up world, the up vector can just be
the Y axis
up = Vector3 (0,1,0)
offset = myOffset
target = myTarget
// CreateLookAt parameters are eye, target,
and up
cameraMatrix = CreateLookAt( target . position +
offset ,
target . position ,
up )
// Updates based on the incremental yaw/pitch
angles for this frame
function Update( float yaw , float pitch )
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