Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Regions at a Glance
The Westfjords
The End of the Line
On maps, the undulating coastline of the Westfjords makes the region resemble giant lob-
ster claws snipping away at the Arctic Circle. The landscapes of this dramatic enclave of
sea and stone inspire fables of magical, faraway lands.
Explore the Arctic
Sitting at the edge of the Arctic, its jagged peninsulas stretching north, Iceland's final fron-
tier is the perfect setting for rugged mountain biking, sea kayaking, sailing and springtime
skiing. Hornstrandir hiking reserve is the jewel in the crown.
Foxy Friends
Wild-maned horses rove throughout, but the main draws are the impressive bird cliffs
dotting the region, and the fleet Arctic foxes scurrying between grassy hillocks. With pre-
planning, you can volunteer to monitor Iceland's only native mammal.
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