Travel Reference
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While trekking or driving in Iceland's highlands you're likely to face unbridged rivers that
must be crossed. There are a few rules to follow.
Melting snow causes water levels to rise, so the best time to cross is early in the morn-
ing before the day warms up, and preferably no sooner than 24 hours after a rainstorm.
Avoid narrow stretches, which are likely to be deep - the widest ford is likely to be shal-
lowest. The swiftest, strongest current is found near the centre of straight stretches
and at the outside of bends. Choose a spot with as much slack water as possible.
Never try to cross just above a waterfall and avoid crossing streams in flood (identifi-
able by dirty, smooth-running water carrying lots of debris and vegetation).
For hikers
A smooth surface suggests that the river is too deep to be crossed on foot. Anything
more than thigh-deep isn't crossable without experience and extra equipment.
Before attempting to cross deep or swift-running streams, be sure that you can jettison
your pack in midstream if necessary.
Lone hikers should use a hiking staff to probe the river bottom for the best route and to
steady themselves in the current.
Never try to cross a stream barefoot. Bringing wetsuit boots or sandals if you want to
keep your hiking boots dry.
While crossing, face upstream and avoid looking down or you risk getting dizzy and los-
ing balance. Two hikers can steady each other by resting their arms on each other's
If you do fall while crossing, don't try to stand up. Remove your pack (but don't let go of
it), roll onto your back and point your feet downstream, then try to work your way to a
shallow eddy or to the shore.
For drivers
If you're not travelling in convoy, consider waiting for other traffic. Watch where and
how experienced drivers cross. You may need to check the depth and speed of the river
by wading into it (using techniques described for hikers, including a hiking staff). A
good rule of thumb: if you would not want to wade through a river you should not drive
through it.
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