Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; ; 8am-8pm Jun-Aug, 10am-6pm May & Sep, 10am-noon &
4-6pm Oct-Apr)
The 1864 warehouse that once served as the regional folk museum has been moved from
the outskirts of town to a prime position on the Höfn harbourfront. It's been refurbished to
serve as the town's visitor centre, with good exhibits explaining the marvels of the region's
flagship national park (including flora and fauna), plus documentaries being screened.
If you're interested, there are various museum-style exhibitions around town, including
a rock collection and an old stockfish shed with displays on fishing and seafaring.
There are a couple of short waterside paths where you can amble and gape at the views -
one by Hótel Höfn, and another round the marshes and lagoons at the end of the promon-
tory Ósland (about 1km beyond the harbour - head for the seamen's monument on the
rise). The latter path is great for watching seabirds, though watch out for dive-bombing
Arctic terns.
From the seamen's monument, you can follow a nature trail that has been set up to
model the solar system - it's been 'scaled down 2.1 billion fold', and has its sizes and dis-
tances in correct proportion.
( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Víkurbraut 9;adult/child Ikr600/200; 6.45am-9pm Mon-Fri, 10am-7pm
Sat & Sun)
The town's popular outdoor swimming pool has waterslides, hot-pots and steam bath.
Silfurnesvöllur GOLF
( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Dalbraut;9 holes 1/2 people Ikr3500/5000)
There's a nine-hole golf course and small clubhouse at the end of Dalbraut at the northern
end of town. How often do you get to play under the midnight sun with a view of glaciers?
Club hire is Ikr2000.
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