Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Mývatn lake is encircled by a 36km sealed road (Rte 1 on the western and northern
shores, and Rte 848). The main settlement is Reykjahlíð, in the northeast corner - an in-
formation centre is here, as are most sleeping and eating options.
Most of the points of interest are linked by the lake's looping road, including the diverse
lava formations in eastern Mývatn, the cluster of pseudocraters near southern Mývatn,
and the bird-friendly marsh plains around western Mývatn.
In northern Mývatn, the Ring Road (Rte 1) veers east, away from Reykjahlíð, and takes
you over the Námaskarð pass to the Hverir geothermal area. Then, a turn-off to the north
(Rte 863) leads to Krafla, 14km from Reykjahlíð.
With your own vehicle this whole area can be explored in a day, but if you're using the
bus or a bike allow two days. If you want to hike and explore more distant mountains and
lava fields, allow at least three.
Mývatn's name translates as 'lake of midges', and plague-like swarms of these small flies
are a lasting memory for many summer visitors. As infuriating as they can be, these
midges are a vital food source for wildlife.
If they bother you, consider wearing a head net (which you can buy at the supermarket
in Reykjahlíð, and elsewhere) - then splash on the repellent and pray for a good wind to
send the little blighters diving.
History & Geology
Ten thousand years ago the Mývatn basin was covered by an ice cap, which was destroyed
by fierce volcanic eruptions that also obliterated the lake at its base. The explosions
formed the symmetrical móberg peaks (flat-topped mountains formed by subglacial vol-
canic eruptions) south of today's lake, while volcanic activity to the east formed the
Lúdent tephra (solid matter ejected into the air by an erupting volcano) complex.
Another cycle of violent activity more than 6000 years later created the Ketildyngja vol-
cano, 25km southeast of Mývatn. The lava from that crater flowed northwest along the
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